I Still have a Christmas Wreath on my door and it's MARCH! I wanted to make a wreath that would be good for spring, summer, and fall so I wouldn't have to keep changing it! I also wanted it to be personal! I knew I wanted all of my kids first letters somewhere in it.
Then I thought of a fun idea to use the fabric from clothing they grew out of!
Here is a picture of the clothing I picked out to use to make the flowers. The flower with their letter in it was made out of an article of clothing they actually wore! The most special flower is little Rowens. The onesie I used to make the light blue petals, all 3 of my boys wore!
All you do is cut circles out of the fabric. You need 5 circles per flower.
My circles were about 4 1/2 inches.
The larger you make the circle, the larger your flower will be.
Iron your circles and then fold them in half two times and iron them again.
All you do is stitch the cut edge and then pull the stitch tight to make a petal.
With the same piece of thread keep stitching your folded circles together.
After you have stitched five folded circles, connect the first and last together to make your flower.
Here are the four flowers I made all stitched together.
You can really use anything in the middle of your flowers. Some examples could be buttons or jewels. I happened to find these cute chalkboard clips in the dollar section at Target. I just pulled the little wooden flower off of the clip.
Then I hot glued them to the center of my fabric flowers.
As you can see below, I also made a flower out of cream ribbon to add to the wreath to put a W for our last name in it.
Once all of my flowers were done I printed each letter on paper just the right size to fit in the center of each flower. I sealed them on using Mod Podge.
This last step can really be done however you want it depending on your style.
I love stick wreaths and I also bought some cream flower embellishments to add.
Here is my finished wreath and I couldn't be more pleased!
It makes my door look so much more inviting and just in time for Spring!