
Saturday, October 15, 2011

Whole Grain Vs. White

I hate to just load you up with facts that aren't so fun but I can't show you how I convert recipes unless I tell you WHY I convert them first! No one can explain this better the Dr. Michael Roizen.

"White bread is made from wheat grain that has been stripped of the outer shell and germ. Why is this a bad thing? When you eat breads and pastas made from this type of wheat — also called enriched, bleached, unbleached, semolina or durum flour — or rice flour, your body quickly converts this carbohydrate to sugar in your bloodstream. Your brain likes the feel-good rush of the sugar and sends out the message, more, more, more! Your arteries — not so much. Essentially, regularly raising your blood sugar can damage proteins called glycosylates. One of that protein’s jobs is to hold your cells and arteries together. When the arteries aren’t held together properly, your body tries to plaster the holes with LDL (bad) cholesterol. The result: atherosclerosis, which means your arteries are hardening and thickening, thanks to the fatty deposits, putting you at a high risk of heart attack and stroke. One-hundred percent whole grains, meanwhile, take longer to convert to sugar, are much less addictive than white flour/bread, and they also stay in your intestines longer, which means you stay fuller longer. That’s pretty fantastic, don’t you think?"

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When my mother in law first started her diet we just switched ALL flour in recipes to Organic 100% Whole Wheat flour but as you all know white flour is so SOFT and Whole wheat doesn't have that same consistency. Although I still use Whole wheat flour for some recipes, my favorite substitutes over time which stand up to the soft consistency of white flour are Whole Grain Spelt, Barley, Oat, and Quinoa. A lot of times I mix them, a little bit of this flour and a little bit of that flour. Here is a picture of what I have in my kitchen now. You will most likely have to go to the health food section in your grocery store to find these different flours!  
When making choices with your bread, pasta, and flour PLEASE read ingredient list on the back and watch out for the words: enriched, bleached, unbleached, semolina or durum flour. 


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