
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Reese's Pops (with secret ingredient)

I want to start showing you guys what I did for my baby shower! I had lots of fun making everything with a Tiger theme! I wanted to have lots of yummy treats for all of the guests. I got this idea when I was talking to my friend Natalie, and I told her that I could add veggies to ANYTHING, AND it will still taste good!!!! So I decided to try to add carrots to Reese's pops! I have already made these before on my blog in the form of Reese's Eggs. You can click on the link to see the options for dairy free or peanut free on this recipe. Also, I talk a little bit about what is actually in the store bought peanut butter cups and why it's better to just make your own! I changed the measurements a little to make room for carrot! I could have added more carrots but I was nervous to, this time, because it was for our baby shower! So if you want you could probably use two large carrots and be ok!

Peanut Butter filling
  • One Large carrot
  • 2 1/2 cups powdered sugar
  • 2 cups Creamy Peanut butter 
  • 1/4 cup butter melted
  • 1 tablespoons milk 
Chocolate coating
  • 2 - 3 cups semisweet chocolate chips 
  • 1 tablespoon butter 

First, I put the melted butter and raw carrot in my food processor to grind it up as much as possible...we don't want chunks! Then I added the Peanut butter to the processor and blended it all together.

 I then added the ingredients along with the powdered sugar to a large mixing bowl. All you need is about one tablespoon of milk to make this a nice pliable dough.
 Form into balls and insert lollipop sticks or something else like it. This amount of dough makes about 34 pops. Then put in the freezer for about an hour.
 Here is where it gets interesting.... you melt your chocolate 30 seconds at a time in the microwave until its nicely melted... This is a VERY quick only takes about two plus minutes and your chocolate can easily get over cooked so be careful! Once melted you dip each ball in and then I came up with sticking the sticks into a piece of foam. The chocolate needs to dry without touching a surface! 
*Another tip, if your pb ball ends up falling down the stick just bring it back to the top and push the stick sideways a little and it will stay put.
 Once they are all coated, put in fridge! Next steps are optional, if you choose not to do them then you are done and you can eat your pops whenever you want!!! 
I wanted white stripes on mine, kind of like tiger stripes. I put them on the foam close together and, after melting white chocolate, I drizzled it over the tops of the pops with a spoon!

Here is where I got crafty! You can use this idea for not just reese's pops but cake pops.... to display at your party table! I had some "White tiger" tissue paper, a foam block, and mod podge. 
 I basically painted the mod podge on the foam block and covered it with the tissue! After it dries you have a perfect holder for your party pops!! Just stick them in and set out on the table!
 Here they are! Cute Reese's Pops to match my theme, WITH VEGGIES  IN THEM, and no one knew until I told them! A hit with adults and children!!!


  1. Anonymous4/27/2012

    So cute - I've gotta try this! Who doesn't love cake pops? For Bailey's baptism/birthday party, we cheated, and bought sprinkled donut holes & put sticks in them...
    And I've got to get mod podge... You can do anything with it!!

  2. Love this idea Colleen! I'm am always trying to find ways to add veggies to my recipes! I'm trying this!
