
Sunday, April 22, 2012

The "Passie Fairy"

We have had A FUN and BUSY weekend! Today, my precious sweet Keaten turned 3 1/2 years old! I start celebrating half birthdays with cupcakes at 3 1/2 because it is a reason to get pictures taken and to write in their big kid book! My baby book which I LOVE, I wrote a post about it HERE, ends at age three.... Up until this point I take pictures of my kids monthly, from then on I document every half year and any other important thing happening in between. I will post about my "Big Kid" books later...

Along with turning 3 1/2 Kiki also knew it was a special day! This is the day the Passie Fairy came to our house! If you haven't heard of this before, it's a GREAT idea when you feel your child is ready to lose their pacifiers!

Here is a BEFORE and AFTER shot of my big girl!
If you don't know the story behind the "Passie Fairy" it is that she comes and collects ALL the passes and takes them to other little babies who need them! Furthermore, when collecting the passes, she leaves a present behind! =)

So first thing we did was draw a picture and write a letter to the "Passie Fairy".... She told me what she wanted to say, with a little help, and I wrote it down. =) Then, in the evening, we collected ALL of her passies and added them to the bag!
 I found a large gift bag and hung it up by our front door. Another good idea is to hang it from a tree outside but it was lightly raining so I chose to keep it indoors. Kiki then put the note and the passies in the gift bag.
 Can you believe, we had NO CRYING at night when she went to bed without her passie.... she still had her babies and her pillowcase to cuddle, which helped! =) When she woke up, she was SO EXCITED to see what the Passie fairy left for her!!!
Here is my BIG GIRL with her Muno pillow doll and a little gum ball machine! I do love that she was asking for something cuddly because I told her that when she is feeling sad about her passes she could go get her Muno doll that the passie fairy gave her and hug it!
I am just praying that the coming weeks are going to be as easy as this first night! I guess she was ready for this.... I will have to say, It was very hard on me and I had many talks with my husband reassuring me that it was time! We only have 8 more weeks till we have a new little one in the house who will need passies so we wanted her to be ok with not having hers! Oh, the joys of being a much change and S...L....O....W....L....Y letting go!

One more thing to add, my big six year old just noticed his FIRST loose tooth yesterday!!! So I guess TWO Fairies will be visiting our home this week! =)

1 comment:

  1. Happy half-birthday, Keaten! And congrats on being a big, passie-less girl!
