My sweet baby boy turns ONE today! It is said so much but seriously our babies grow up so quickly. It just seems like yesterday I was sitting in my rocker watching him sleep under the lights of the Christmas Tree.
I soaked up any chance he would sleep in my lap because I knew how fast that stage would come and go.
I never wanted to have one of my babies have their birthday in the same month as Christmas but I have learned to just embrace it.
One awesome idea I got from a friend is to have a special "Birthday Tree" for your December baby. That way they can have something special just for them. You have it decorated with their own special ornaments and on their birthday you put their presents under their tree.

I also themed Rowen's cake smash pictures around Christmas. I had a cute 5 inch cake made in red and green and then I made this fun Christmas tree topper for his cake. These toppers are so fun and easy to make.
I made a number 1 for Garren's first birthday and Cake Smash photo shoot.
All you need is card stock paper.
Cut it to the shape you want it. Either you can do a number or a shape of something to go with your theme. I then used my colored pencils to draw a one in the christmas tree.
I hot glued two popsicle sticks in between the paper.
Then, I sealed the whole thing with Mod Podge. I used sparkle Mod Podge to give it a glittery finish. Using Mod Podge also helps to seal the paper so it can be easily wiped up if you want to save the topper.

Rowen loved his cake!
Here's a little 30 second video of the Cake Smash that my husband put together.
Enjoy the cuteness!