Thursday, June 5, 2014

DIY Ponytail Cut On A Little Girl~ Long Hairstyle

I started searching little girls haircuts online and on Pinterest and came across something called the DIY Ponytail Cut. I decided to give it a try on my daughter because her hair was so long…. If I messed it up then I could always take her in to a professional afterwards. 

We have worked really hard at growing out her hair ever since she was 2 1/2 when her brother cut ALL of the front of her hair off….TO THE SCALP! I can laugh about it now.
Basically, I thought it was time for a "style" to her hair. It was just so long and lifeless.
Here is Kiki after I gave her a good hair wash and brushed out her hair REALLY well!
The BEFORE shots!
They say to put all of the hair into a ponytail… The further front you bring the ponytail to the forehead, the more dramatic the result. When gathering the hair, make sure the back of the hair is on the bottom side of the ponytail and the top of the hair is on the top when cutting.
It was hard for me to take a picture of the actual cut because I needed my hands. I basically cut at an angle that kept the back of the hair slightly longer than the front. This picture is showing you how little I cut off.
Then to make the cut a little more dramatic, I took all of the hair on the crown of her head in another ponytail. I took off about another half inch or so by angling the cut for the front to be slightly shorter than the back of the hair in the ponytail!
SIMPLE! This whole process was only two cuts and under ten minutes! 
The first picture shows the layers right after I finished cutting her hair and the second picture is after I let it dry a little. As it dried I just loved it more and more!
Here is a side view of the layers and the front! 
I don't think I'm gunna pay for a hair cut again for this girl. WELL…. at least until she is older! LOL
I might even use this method for my older boy who loves to wear his hair long!
Here is the video I watched before I dared to take scissors to my daughters hair! AND like everyone says after explaining how to DIY haircut…..Don't blame me if this doesn't work out for you!! I am just simply showing you how it worked for me! Hope this can save some of you some money on haircuts!!! Before this I would have NEVER touched any of my children's hair!!


  1. wow i might just do this tomorrow night!! great post & seems so easy :)

  2. This really came out great, Colleen! I might try it with Zia soon--her hair is getting really long, too!

    1. Yes Mia, I still am amazed that two cuts gave kiki's hair so much style! I LOVE it so much!

  3. I saw this a number of times, one thing I have noticed is that with fine hair, it makes the ends look straggly. I am growing my hair out and I have my boyfriend trim the ends and just dust the layers as they grow out as the ends of my braids look too thin with it layered. Also it seemed to take forever growing out those short pieces that hung in my hair, that I could not pull back when I was at the gym. As an active lady, I find it easier to manage with my hair all one length to style and work with.

  4. Oh, I’ve also seen that trick here And I really can’t wait for my hair to grow long enough so I can try a layered hairstyle. :D

  5. I want to try this on my daughter so bad. Your daughter looks to have had the same length and thickness as my daughter has now. This will be the second time she has ever had her hair cut as well. Her Nana cut it last time, nothing special just straight across, but it's grown back really fast. I am nervous though about messing up her hair because she has such beautiful hair. Mommy is going to test this out on her hair first haha. Keeping fingers crossed. Thanks for sharing this and with pictures at that!

    1. Just cut very little off! If you feel you mess up you can always take her to someone to fix it! That is what I figured when I first tried it! I was so nervous at first but it turned out so cute!

  6. Could you post a picture of your finger angle you used, please!

    1. Sorry for the vagueness i was asking if you angle up or down with your fingers

  7. Bekah, I try to go as straight as possible but if you angle it that will just help give you more of a layered look.... just think about the shorter the hair in the front then the longer it will be in the back if you angle forward.
    Hiwever, when I did this cut to my daughter I kept my fingers straight without an angle!

  8. very good work. i appreciate your work And i have the same site.
    Trendy Haircuts

  9. I found this from the youtube link of layered hair in 5 mins and its a win.Both your cute model and original get great results simple and quick wow..tried it with front layers on my own and it works..

  10. Anonymous11/12/2024

    I want to kiss her on the lips

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