Thursday, December 18, 2014

Present to Big Brother/Big Sister: From New Baby (#2)

First, I want to introduce you all to Rowen Wesley!
We feel so blessed and complete now that he is here!
 I prepared three sibling presents from the new baby!
This time instead of doing a little present in a baby bottle like I did HERE, I collected a little bit larger present for the siblings! First step it making the bag. I used a blue bag for the boys and pink for my girl.
I simply printed out tags for the bags which I colored with markers.
To seal the tag to the bag I used a little Mod Podge and simply let it dry.
The next few pictures show in stages what I added to the sibling presents from their baby brother.
First, I added a book to each of the kids bags. For my two older kids I gave them drawing books and for my little two year old who has never experienced gaining a new sibling, I got him a "Big Brother" book!
Then, I got each of my kids a journal with their initial and a fun pen to draw or write in their journal.
Lastly, I added some playdoh and a bag of candy from their Halloween candy. You can also add some healthier options like fruit leather or Annie's snack bags. 
The whole idea is to add things that would keep them busy in the hospital when they visit and something they can snack on! I might add some fresh fruit closer to the actual day I go in to have the baby.
Another idea that I really want to add to the two older siblings bags is a disposable camera. I think they would have fun taking their own pictures around the room and it would be fun to look back on their perspective of the special day!

Lastly, I wrote two poems from new baby to older brother and one to older sister.
I have them here to print for free, just click on the link.
What I did was add a little note written from new baby to sibling that was like he was writing it the day he was born!
For Garren, I used a poem that I used to give to Brenden the day Garren was born.
You can find that poem, free printable,  HERE along with the sibling present ideas I had the last time when Garren was born!


  1. Oh, congratulations!!! He is beautiful! I haven't been here in so long...and you all look so great. I love your gift ides to big sister and brothers!

  2. Wow just found your page this little sweetie must be four now you have a beautiful family and great ideas ,more people should be following and liking this bless


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