Well, It has been over a month since I last posted! I feel like I need to explain where I've been! I found a GREAT deal to take a trip to California, just me and my three kids! Let me just say, I LOVE SOUTHWEST airlines! I signed up to get emails of their deals. If you don't care much about the dates of travel, it is well worth checking out their flight deals! I got three tickets for $500!
Let me say after returning from this almost three week trip, I have a new respect for single parents! I braved, with lots of prayer, traveling by myself with 3 kids! I will have to say that my babies are GREAT travelers and I had no huge problems with them along the way.
However, once we were in California, I had to deal with my little 8 month old crawling everywhere and trying to eat all kinds of things from the ground, the planning of fun activities and meeting of friends, and all the while schooling my first grader since we were taking such a long trip. I literally had NO TIME to blog!
We still had lots of fun in the sun and I couldn't have picked a better time to be away from our home in Kansas! There were TWO huge snow storms while we were gone, both leaving us with over 12 inches of snow! Here is a picture of our home from after the first storm!
All the while we were in shorts and tank tops playing outside!

One awesome thing is my Mom and Dads house is close to an ice cream AND a doughnut shop so we took MANY walks for treats! Below is a picture of B and K eating ice cream!

We also took a trip to Venice Beach with my brother! Garren kept trying to EAT the sand!
Brenden and Keaten made SAND angels while there friends in KS were making SNOW angels!

We took a ride on the Metro, which we call the "Train". It's always a fun way to travel and there is nothing like it where we live! Here is a picture of Brenden on the tracks!

Here are a few pictures of our MANY trips to different parks!

While we were on our trip, we had a little bit of sickness going around! I couldn't pass up the chance at letting you all know one of my tricks when sickness hits! Trader Joe's now has FRESH PEELED GARLIC separated into five small vacuum sealed packs in this package for $1.99. Did you know that Garlic is a natural antibiotic? However, unlike antibiotics which kills off ALL of the bacteria in your body, garlic only kills off the bad bacteria leaving the good bacteria still in your gut! So grab as much garlic as you can handle, it's pretty harsh if you haven't tried it before, and chew it down raw! I'm telling you it really helps! I never got sick around everyone else because I kept the garlic coming! =)
***TIP*** If you have to take an antibiotic for some reason in the future, be sure and take a good strong Probiotic after your dose is over to rebuild the good bacteria in your body. Otherwise, you will be more susceptible to getting sick again!

Lastly, I wanted to share something when traveling/flying with children! If you aren't rushing off after your flight is over, take the time to ask the stewardess if your children can check out the cockpit! They normally have enough time to let your child sit in the pilot's seat and show them a few things! In our case, the pilot let both of my kids sit down and he explained a whole bunch of things! I think the kids were sitting there for about 5 minutes! It was a great experience for them!

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